Valeriya Khomar
Valeriya Khomar
Valeriya Khomar was born in Kiev, Ukraine where she was raised and classically educated
in ne arts. Valeriya's father, a talented, multidimensional artist, enrolled her in a
class at the Art Studio for Young Artists. Later, Valeriya graduated from an Art School
and then from an Art and Design College with numerous awards.
Valeriya had been participating at the local and regional exhibitions in Ukraine till her
arrival to Canada.
In 1995, Valeriya moved to Canada with her family and continued to study art at
Dawson College and Concordia University in Montreal.
Soon after, Valeriya started a successful career in Fashion industry as a graphic
designer and illustrator, doing visual presentations and artworks for the main apparel
companies in Montreal.
In the midst of a successful run, Valeriya made the life changing decision to go back to
her roots and build a creative career of her own. About 3 years ago she started her full
time career as a painter.
At rst an accomplished watercolorist, she moved toward acrylics and mixed media,
excited by the larger range of possibilities they oered. At this point, she developed as
an abstract painter in multiple medias.
Within a very short time Valeriya found an enthusiastic international audience for her
During the past year, she was participating at two incredible shows: the Biennale
Chianciano in Italy and at the Toronto Art Expo. Valeriya became a winner of November
2013 Competition “Igllloo” Gallery, and got awards from a number of International
juried competitions.
The Art Buzz Publishing awarded her painting 3rd place in acrylics for "The 2014
Collection” at the Annual International Juried Visual Arts Showcase in their annual
Valeriya’s art has been featured in Literacyhead and St.Petersburgh magazines.