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  » Sep 12, 2024  

Do you know that
Giclee is a term invented for the procedure of creating fine art prints through a digital supplier using inkjet printing. The word “Giclee”, which is based on the French word “gicleur” meaning “nozzle”, was originated by a printmaker named Jack Duganne.

It was created to represent inkjet based digital prints that were used as fine art and to distinguish the customary industrial “Iris proofs” from the fine art prints produced on those same kind of printers. Originally alotted for fine art prints produced on Iris printers with an operation invented early in the 1990’s, the term “Giclee” has since stood for any top quality inkjet print.
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  Victor Brindatch

"One of few talented artists in Russia", monthly periodical "Art", number 7, 1986; Academy of arts of USSR.
A great master of realism and color coordination in the style of previous century artists, Victor creates his artwork in traditional and classic styles. A master of his techniques, he added to his Jewish and Biblical themes subjects about modern Israel endowing his work with the fresh view of a newcomer. He depicts scenes of his new homeland, the architecture, mix of people and customs to which he was introduced in his new environment.

Born in Russia in 1941.
Graduated Grekov Art University, Odessa, Ukraine.
Studied in Moscow University of Art.
Twelve of his works are presented in Moscow Museum of Modern Jewish Art.
A member of the International Painters and Sculptors Association of Art.

After immigrating to Israel in 1993, Victor Brindatch fell under the influence of the brilliant colors and rich multi-ethnic cultures of his Mediterranean home. In Israel he meets Alexander Virthaim, the owner and manager of the renowned Judaica Fine Art Gallery "Alexander Gallery". With Alexander's help, Victor learns about life in Israel, traditions, holidays and literature of the Jewish people. This inspires Victor Brindatch to create new artwork based on what he learns. In his new works, he starts to depict the Jewish life in Eastern Europe as it was before World War II.

Within a short time, V. Brindatch earned a reputation for the naive originality and radiance of his works. Victor Brindatch's paintings deal with Jewish folklore, Biblical themes, Jewish holidays, his feelings about the Holocaust, shock of mourning. He also paints the streets of Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. Brilliant colors are used with great effect in Victor's paintings. When one views his artwork, he appreciates the beauty of Jewish life and tradition.

Victor Brindatch's paintings are available in private collections all over the world as well as in the Museum of Modern Jewish Art in Moscow.

1999 Exhibition of Painters and Sculptors Association, Tel-Aviv
1996 Exhibition in "David gallery", Jerusalem
1991 International art exhibition "Flowers", central house of the painter, Moscow
1989 Art exhibition of the Russian Republic "Science and cosmos for the sake of peace", Kalinin
1988 All-Russian Art exhibition "Always on alert", Moscow
1987Art exhibition of the Russian Republic "Artist and Time", Moscow
1986 The first All Russian exhibition "Satire and Humor", Leningrad and Moscow
1985 Art exhibition in Moscow "40 years of victory"
1985 The 7th Russian Republic art exhibition "Soviet Russia", Moscow
1984 Russian Republic art exhibition "Monuments of the Motherland", Moscow
1984 All-Russian art exhibition "We saved the world", Moscow Publications: "Art", Monthly periodical Number 7,
1988, p. 19-22 "Art", Monthly periodical Number 6,
1990, p. 78 "Art", Monthly periodical Number 1,
1993, p. 6 "Artist RSFSR", Monthly periodical Number 10,
1985, p. 19 "Artist RSFSR", Monthly periodical Number 7,
1986, p. 61 Newspapers: "Soviet Russia",
1985, 19.03/ One of the most talented sculptors in Russia/ Academy of Arts of USSR
1984 - Russian Republic art exhibition "Monuments of the Motherland", Moscow
1984 - All-Russian art exhibition "We saved the world", Moscow

"Art", Monthly periodical Number 7, 1988, p. 19-22
"Art", Monthly periodical Number 6, 1990, p. 78 "Art", Monthly periodical Number 1, 1993, p. 6
"Artist RSFSR", Monthly periodical Number 10, 1985, p. 19
"Artist RSFSR", Monthly periodical Number 7, 1986, p. 61 Newspapers: "Soviet Russia", 1985, 19.03/
One of the most talented sculptors in Russia/ Academy of Arts of USSR

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